Friday 11 January 2013

Good Day

Hello, I'm Sarah.

I'm really, very talented at mundane rambling. This is the fourth attempt at writing this introductory post because the other three started going off onto tangents about krakens and how my nose strongly resembles a mushroom and I'm a terrible specimen of blogger- [see what I mean]

I really hope that strikethrough doesn't make 'blogger' look like 'booger.'

I'm back. Hi. This is a flattering self portrait of yours truly I created on paint.

(Good gracious, Blogger's photo upload speed has improved astronomically since last time I used it)

Unlike Batman's return to Gotham city, my flight back to blogging has no particular purpose (yet!). Mostly I was inspired by my friend Cindy and the wish to save paper that otherwise would have been sacrificed to notetaking about interestingly shaped trees and the Sunday miniature yacht club at the lake near my house.

What you may expect to walk into here in my little corner:

-Heroic attempts at exploration, cooking, origami and drawing
-Musings [life, krakenology, books, the colour blue]
-Confusing poetry and comma happy prose

I hope I get better at this.

Until we meet again!

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